Nordic-Baltic Young Chef Award 2024

Nordic – Baltic Young Chef Award 2024  is a inspiring and powerful tool to raise young chefs’ awareness on the importance to preserve regional food and cultural diversity, as well as local plant and animal varieties throughout their professional career.

Competition goal

Nordic – Baltic Young Chef Award aims to empower youth and local communities by raising awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting distinct regional (Nordic) food, culture and natural assets as part of sustainable and balanced youth development strategies.

This is essential to safeguarding our planet, health, wellness and local economies.

Innovation on tradition and the use of local ingredients will be at the centre of the competition that will bring together national teams of young people from Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Estonia.

Young Chef Award 2024



Nordic and Baltic young representatives

3 course menu

Starter, Main meal and dessert

Competition beween Nordic

The competition will be organised on the theme Innovation on Tradition, where by contest members will be asked to innovate traditional recipes from their countries/regions by using local seasonal products.

The competition will be evaluated by an international jury of chefs and experts from Nordic-Baltic Region according to national teams creativity, skills and ability to communicate the story of their dishes.

Afterwards, the finalists shared knowledge about the traditional gastronomy and local food products from their regions by preparing and presenting the chosen traditional and innovative recipes. This first and second cooking rounds will be for the young chefs to get familiar with the cooking stations and present 3 course menu for the jury to taste the traditional and innovatives dishes. 

& Baltic Young people

Invited expert will gave a presentation on the importance of protecting and promoting food diversity, as well as the crucial role that young chef play to ensure a sustainable food future.

All participants of the Nordic – Baltic Young Chef Awards  could signed a protocol agreement to become N-B YCA Ambassadors, committing to proudly and sustainably promote their regions’ food and cultural heritage throughout their future professional career.

The assessment of the young chefs will also pay particular attention to sustainability, as they will need to demonstrate their capacity to reduce food waste and single-use plastics in the kitchen, as well as ensure a balanced use of meat/fish ingredients and vegetables in their dishes.

Competition agenda 25th Sep 2024

10.00 – 14.00 Preparation in teams *proposing the recipe books/ traditional + Innovative recipes ideas.
Venue: Storkesøen Hotel, Haulundvej 164, 6760 Ribe

14.00 – 18.00 Nordic – Baltic Young Chef cooking competition in Ribe School
Venue: FGU Vest Ribe, Lustrupvej 3, 6760 Ribe

19.00 – 21.00 Award and Dinner
Venue: FGU Vest Ribe, Lustrupvej 3, 6760 Ribe

Get to know with the jury


Maria Rajala,
Green Habito RY


Irina Golikova,
Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare


Susanne Kallanvaara
Burgarden Gymnasium


Mikkel Willerslev,
FGU Vest Ribe 


Laufey Ólafsdóttir,
Representative of PEPP

President of the Jury

Ivan Vasilevskikh,

Award Grand Prix

By promoting innovations on traditional cuisine, highlighting sustainable food cultures and supporting local food products.

At the end of the competition day, the independent jury (composed by partner`s one representative from each country and two independent experts) will give own evaluation for each meal and by finalisation of the evaluation will announce who win the competition.

The winning teams from I – III place will get an award statue and Grand prix certificates.
There will be an acknowledgement for the:

  •  I Prize – Gift Certificate for a team of 4 people
    (an international trip for a group on Sustainable Development Conference and Study Trip in 2024)
  •  II Prize – Gift Cerificate for a team of 4 people
    (an international trip for a group on Media literacy and communication conference in 2025)
  • III Prize – Gift Certificate for a team of 4 people
    (a memorable books and gifts)

All participants will receive an award certificate of participation and invitation for the future youth leadership programm.